Oral Presentation

  • The official language is English
  • Please prepare presentation slides in the format of PowerPoint
  • In each parallel session, the conference will have a laptop connected to the projector. (If the participant needs to use their laptop, please bring your adapter. We only provide HDMI cable.
  • Please upload your presentation slides at the registration counter during registration.
  • The total time allocated to each participant is 20 minutes. You should plan to speak for 15 minutes and leave 5 minutes for questions.
  • Plenary speakers have 25 minutes
  • Keynote speakers have 30 minutes
  • We will provide the slide changer.

Poster Presentation

  • Each poster must be submitted as:

    • A single page JPEG or PNG format in PORAIT orientation.
    • Screen ratio: 16 (height): 9 (width) with a size of:
    • In pixels: Minimum of 1920 pixel height and 1080 pixels width
    • Use plain background without patterns or dark colors.
    • Use clear headings and leave spaces between sections.
    • Pictures and graphics should be clearly labelled and described.
    • Pictures and graphics should be of good quality.
    • Images should not obscure text
    • Do not fit too much information
    • Ensure correct spelling and punctuation


    The presenting author must stand by their display on the specified day and time (refer to schedule)

    Each poster presenter will be allocated 10 minutes to present his/her poster, including 3 minutes for a question-and-answer session. Presenters should be at the poster viewing stations 15 minutes before the start of their session and remain there until the session has finished. The exact timing, venue, and screen number will be displayed at the registration counter.

    Email your poster presentation on or before 22nd Sept 2024 (Sunday) before 11.59 pm to

    icamb@umt.edu.my (Subject of the email should be poster presentation)

Logo Guidelines for Participant from UMT

Logo Guidelines for Participant Not from UMT

With regards,

Scientific Committee